Need an Urgent Scan?
Same day appointments are available at both locations. The referring physicians will have a portal to view the images as needed. We have a state of the art PACS and EMR systems for ease of access and convenience for the patient and referring physician.
The team at CMI welcomes you as a patient and will work to facilitate insurance submission and help with any technical or logistical problems. High end transportation is available for your convenience with either private car service, Uber or Lyft
Conveniently located in Brooklyn and Queens, Community Medical Imaging offers patients easy access to their home, workplace, and healthcare providers. We are easily accessible from Queens, Brooklyn and Nassau County.
- 10am - 8pm
- Closed
- 10am - 6pm
- 10am - 6pm
- Closed
- Closed
Need an Urgent Scan?
Same day appointments are available at both locations. The referring physicians will have a portal to view the images as needed. We have a state of the art PACS and EMR systems for ease of access and convenience for the patient and referring physician.
The team at CMI welcomes you as a patient and will work to facilitate insurance submission and help with any technical or logistical problems. High end transportation is available for your convenience with either private car service, Uber, Juno or Lyft
Conveniently located in Brooklyn and Queens, Community Medical Imaging offers patients easy access to their home, workplace, and healthcare providers. We are easily accessible from Queens, Brooklyn and Nassau County.
- 10am - 8pm
- Closed
- 10am - 6pm
- 10am - 6pm
- Closed
- Closed